Price: 75,00 €
A written diagnosis implies a diagnosis by one of the doctors based on your existing medical chart, without a live examination.
For a diagnosis, you need to fill out a form with as much detailed information as possible about your problem. Based on the submitted data, the doctor will give you an official diagnosis and report.
Payment must be made before, after filling out the information form that follows. After payment, you will receive a written diagnosis by e-mail within 48 hours.
Price: 100,00 €
The online appointment (examination) will take place via the ZOOM. The duration of the examination is up to 20 minutes. During the examination, you will have the opportunity to talk to the doctors about your skin problem and receive a diagnosis and further instructions. A mobile or laptop camera and a speaker or headphones are required.
Payment must be made before, after filling out the information form that follows. After the payment has been made, we will send you an appointment date by e-mail, and after you confirm that the appointment suits you, we will send you a link for an online appointment.
Based on the online examination, the doctor will issue you with an official report.
Price: 150,00 €
The expertise of the team means that your medical history and reports will be reviewed by all three doctors, and based on it, issue a joint diagnosis, without a live examination.
For a diagnosis, you need to fill out a form with as much detailed information as possible about you and your problem. On the basis of the submitted data, the dermatologists will issue you an official diagnosis and recommendations for further treatment.
Payment must be made before, after filling out the information form that follows. After payment, you will receive a written diagnosis by e-mail.